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ACS Reunion - Beirut, Lebanon
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Beirut.NYC.Bos05 032 The main entrance to the school. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 033 The side of the old Boarding Department. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 128 Our humble home away from home. IMG_2716 Jack and Diane Sommers with their daughter registering for the big event. IMG_2718 Barbara getting ready to party hearty. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 055 Diane (McWood) Nowland and Ben Nowland. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 056 Nancy (Schaeffer) Crays, Norm Gray, and Bill Crays. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 061 Jim Lippman and Carolyn (Holm) Emmerson Beirut.NYC.Bos05 062 Big Bill with his big camera. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 065 Judy (Mandeville) Lippman and Jim Lippman Beirut.NYC.Bos05 067 Jack Sommers either drinking or getting ready to propose a toast. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 069 A table full of partiers. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 072 Barbara (Lucher) Graham and Elsa Turmelle. IMG_2719 Bill, Barbara, and Nancy enjoying an outing. IMG_2729 Byblos is 8000 years old.  Bill Crays is not quite that old. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 093 Norm Gray, Pat Hinds, Kathy (Jackson) Ullman, and Ken Lebsock at Byblos. IMG_2736 The Corniche and new lighthouse. IMG_2759 Some things never change along the Corniche. IMG_2767 These guys wouldn't let me leave until I took their picture! IMG_2748 Adele enjoying a wee bite on the veranda at our hotel room. Beirut.NYC.Bos05 129 Hard as nails, tough as bricks, we're the class of '56! P6170010 Norm & Carol Gray getting ready for the closing gala. P6170011 Barbara, Don Emmerson, and Adele Brown. P6170024 Adele with Diane (Renfer) Sommers and her daughter. P6170028 Waiting for dinner. P6170029 Still waiting for dinner. P6170034 Paul Schmidbauer has gotten very rowdy in his later years. P6170056 Paul and Barb gettin' it on. P6170035 Ken Lebsock about to give his opinion on the wine. P6170039 Pat Hinds is always ready to have a good time. P6170048 Diane (McWood) Nowland, Judy (Mandeville) Lippman and Ben Nowland. P6170051 Carolyn and Don Emmerson - still lovebirds!